
To: David
From: Joanna

Thursday, Nov 1

Dear David,

Thank you for calling last night. It’s always so much fun talking to you. Even though phone calls are expensive I just can’t seem to let you go. I miss you. I guess seven weeks isn’t that far away. It’s been done before but that doesn’t make it any easier!

I’m glad that you had some time to spend with John. It sounds like the trip was basically good. I figure that if you found it O.K. in some respects, then it was probably a great conference for everyone else. Besides that, it sounds like you had a fun, relaxing time, which you can always use.

Work is still busy and I’m still working a lot. With the holidays we’ll continue to be busy, with cards & gifts but that will be fun. Then after the first of the year, we’ll be moving to Century City and we’ll be busy with moving & announcements and that should be a drag! It’s very lucky (only for them!) that you’re in Toronto because if you were anywhere close I wouldn’t be nearly as dedicated!!

Thank you for your letters. I love them. They are very funny, but also very dear and I love the fact that you are such a thoughtful letter writer; and I feel guilty I haven’t been writing more. well, somehow I’ll find a way to make it up to you!!

It’s wonderful to hear about your negotiations with Derek & Lionel and that you now have something more solid. It just got brief mention in my last letter (sorry), but I want to let you know now that I think it’s super and that it was also very smart (but that’s because you’re great!) It’s fun to share in some of the things you learn and watch (read about) you(r) grow(th). I, too, share your concern re: becoming too comfortable and ceasing to grow, but I think growing situations only stop occurring when you stop seeking them, i.e., when you stop seeking or accepting challenges. Or maybe, even more simply than that when, when you fear change.

It’s good that you and Don could spend some time together. It’s too bad that you can’t work with him now because you’re so busy, but on the other hand, it’s good that you are so busy (?!) (whatever that means!??!!) and you probably will work together soon. I liked Don very much and I see what you see in him! It’s great that you are friends - you two are extremely fortunate in knowing each other.

Thank you for offering to get the cologne from Paris. I really don’t know if you’ll find it, but it’s worth a try. It’s been a long time since I’ve had those two fragrances and they were my favorites.

My Christmas gifts sound great (I think) the b&w glossy of Ralph is going to be my favorite but how did you know I was into Reggae?

Regarding my plane ticket, if I pay for it by Nov. 21, it will only cost $278, otherwise, it will be regular fare. My finances are o.k., they can handle it (really you should never ask me that question because I never think they look good!) Anyway, I really don’t need to split the cost of the ticket, but, thank you. You’re sweet for offering.

And… thanks for being you. I love your sense of humor and your positive, happy outlook on life. You laugh a lot - and I like that! I miss laughing (& playing) with you. I am impatient looking forward to Christmas.

Thank you for writing about your feelings. Knowing how you care about me makes me truly joyful, but even without that knowledge, my love for you would be the same.

Please take good care of yourself. My thoughts are with you always and I’m missing you…

All my love,

P.S. Say “hi” to Ralph & your goofy pets for me!