
To: David W.
From: Joanna

May 26 (Memorial Day)

Dear David,

The days since you left have been lonely ones. There is a big space in my life without you near.

I went to a party in the Marina and it wasn’t any fun bec. you weren’t there. It was wonderful being with you last weekend. Thank you for taking the time to come and see me. The things we did together were fun. Hurry back, o.k.?

How’s your situation? I heard from my mom that it was 90 degrees this weekend but I guess it didn’t make any different to you. How did the promotion for camp go? How close to filling it did you come?

Soon you will be going to Paris. Good luck with your meetings and have a safe trip. It will probably be beautiful now, but I don’t care (!).

I saw “The Empire Strikes Back.” Did you see it yet? What d’ya think?

I’m moving ahead with the stained glass project (thank you for your motivation & inspiration) & I’m enrolling in a class which begins June 16. I’m also looking into quilting which also seems like fun and something I might like to do. My mother mentioned that there is a lady she knows north of Toronto (Sudbury?) that makes them and that I should come up to learn from her. It seems kind of far to go to learn quilting. I’m sure I can teach myself, but first-hand knowledge/experience can only help. Besides you know the old maxim about killing 2 birds with 1 stone… (oh)… (sorry)! Maybe… maybe I could visit you. Oh well, just some crazy ideas from a crazy lady? (My mom, too!)

I received your card. It expressed some loving thoughts & I just want to say that what you exhibit about your feelings for me is most definitely and happily accepted. I understand & cherish your desire to give me more, but what you do give makes me happy bec. I know that it’s real & that when you are able to give more, you will. I know that you want to and that is enough.

I’m thinking of you always & loving you with all my heart. Take good care of yourself & write soon. I MISS YOU.


ps. Just a reminder to BE MELLOW!