
To: Joan
From: Sonny

Sunday - April 5th

Dearest Joan,

I received the birthday greetings yesterday, and although I was very happy that you remembered me on my birthday, I was very disappointed that all you cared to write to me were a few lines. I don't quite understand what is happening. In your letters you profess to have love for me, and yet in the three months that I've been here, I've received only two letters and yesterday's note. Am I missing something that should be getting through to me? Are you trying to tell me something that in my density and hope are just passing me by? It's hard enough here without the uncertainties that you are causing in me through your silence. Please be kind and let me know where I stand with you.

I'm very depressed lately as I'm completely in the dark my legal situation is concerned, and although, as you say, I know that my friends do love me and care what happens to me, it is still hard not knowing anything. I have no lawyer, I'm almost out of hope that anything can be done legally anyway. So naturally I plan and dream.

Anyway Joanie, the main reason for this letter is to find out what is in your head where I am concerned. Please don't wait a month before answering this missie. I love and miss you and hope that your news will be cheering rather than depressing but whatever the news, please let it be prompt. 



You won't tell me what day your birthday is, but I think it's this month. So Happy Birthday darling.  I wish you much, much happiness and love and everything bright and good. You deserve the best!

I received a letter from lee. In it she states that she and a friend, Bob Brooks, had sent Dianne some money to be forwarded to me. I haven't gotten anything from her yet, and I could really use some money, so could you please ask Dianne about this. I know that Lee and Bob have been trying to talk to D. on the phone but she is always busy. I understand this, but I also understand that I can't live on what they feed her, and the money that Joe so kindly sends really doesn't go that far. Please inquire. Okay?

Love again and again and again....
