
To: Joan
From: Sonny

May 26th

Dear Joan,

I'm still waiting for a letter from you. I got one that you send in April, but that was the last one to date. I'm trying very hard to be optimistic in regards to our friendship, but it gets difficult as a letter every five or six weeks isn't much assurance of the undying love you claim to have for me. Although, I shouldn't be surprised as I haven't heard anything from anybody out your way. I guess now that I'm stuck in prison for the next few years I will be completely discounted. Well, you know what, I might as well accustomed myself to the fact that I've lost a couple of friends because ------ I can't even think of a good reason!

Anyway, Joannie I would like to know what your feelings are. If you're not going to write anymore, it would be nice if you would let me know so that I won't worry that you're ill or worse.

I think about you all the time, and wonder how you are, and how you're doing. The main thing is that you are happy. I hope that I'm wrong, and you do plan to keep in contact with me, if not, you will still be in my mind and heart.

I wish Dianne and Joe would write as I still care for both of them very much, and am very hurt that they've given me up cold. I'm alone, and need friends more than ever.

I don't want to sound mawkish so I'll close now. I love you,
