To: Sonny
From: Joan
Draft of letter
Friday, Sept 5th
Dear Sonny,
I spoke with Dianne Ray last night. She told me she was down to visit you. I'm sure her visit made you quite happy. I'm going to send her your phone book so that she can contact the people you asked her to.
I'm not sure what to say to you now - I'm not sure you even want to listen. Your last letter left me very confused - yes, I did receive it. I haven't written sooner because I really had no idea how to reply. I will apologize for telling you my problems when you have enough of you own. Your letter hurt - and I know that's what you wanted. So who's playing sadistic games? I realize that I really do still care but it took me awhile to to sort out my feelings after your letter. That letter brought back all my bad memories like a nightmare. And God knows there were a lot of them. Enough of that.
I want to try & re-open our lines of communication - if you'd like to. I miss you, Sonny.
I've taken a new job. Tracton's was fun for a while but being a cocktail girl is not something to do for any length of time. I'm now working for Lancer of California & David Winter for Lancer, a men's clothing manufacturer. I manage their showroom down at the Clothing Mart downtown. I'm very happy there. If you'd like you may write me there. The address is 110 E. 9th St. Suite A444, L.A. Calif 90015. Please write & tell me how you feel.
I love you,