To: Joan
From: Judy
November 21, 1975
Dear Joan:
How are you? You may be interested to know that today I sent a letter to the lawyer requesting $500.00 for your plane fare home. I should be getting a response from him early next week. So, if that works out, which I think it will, there should be no delay in your trip.
Enclosed are the first couple of letters that have been forwarded to the house. If I get a positive word from the lawyer I will withhold any other mail so it will be here for you to see. O.K.?
Today, the 21st, is D-Day for Cleveland. That means that there has been a law for the decriminalization for marijuana passed. This only applies to small amounts of it. They are solely concerned with dealers and pushers. This does not yet apply to hard(er) drugs yet. That is supposed to occur in June of 1976.
Oh, Joan, your membership with the AAA has defected because of all that has gone on recently, mother neglected to keep up the dues. I was also informed that since you are out-of-state, you have to register with a branch out there. This is because of insurance policies relating to your membership. Your dues are only $10.00 and I think it would be worthwhile for you to invest in unless you have few or no car troubles involving towing or battery jumps.
That just about wraps up everything I wanted to say to you. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
You are in my prayers, that is, when I pray. R.S.V.P.