
To: Joni
From: Judy

Feb. 1, 1976
Sunday Night

Dear Joni -

Hi. How are you? I meant to writ sooner. Hope you don’t mind but I opened the brochure from EST. It really looks good. Tell me, is there a fee (of course, there is) but is it expensive? Anyway, how is David? And everything else?

Things are going well here. Mother is on the same case she’s been on for more than a month in Gates Mills. My data processing class is good & I like it, but the philosophy class is really a let-down. Tracy is thinking about either going to Arizona or Calif. It would be really nice if she decided to come out there. Then we could start out together (providing things are going well between you & David, dear). I wouldn’t have to start alone, anyway, or either way, I’m still looking forward to moving.

Guess what! I’ve started to cook. I made a dinner for Tracy to repay her for all the times I’ve eaten over. I made banana muffins (delicious), broccoli with my first cheese sauce, beef stroganoff, and chocolate layer cake (Sara-Lee). Also, a nice french wine. It turned out good.

I hope to see Ron this Wednesday at ‘The Lady.’ I haven’t been there since xmas because I’ve been going to “Twiggy’s.”

That is about it for now, but I hope to hear from you soon. Jon, you know how much I care about you, so just take good care of yourself, O.K.?

With love,

P.S. Good luck with EST.

Have you heard for “Rich Man, Poor Man'“ by Irwin Shaw? It’s on for 2 nights. Tonight & tomorrow.

Why don’t you notify the P.O. in Marina Del Rey because they still send it here & it’s closer to you there - the mail doesn’t have to back & forth.