To: Joanie
From: Evelyn
Dear Joanie,
Hi Doll, how's everything going? Everything is just fine with me & Larry. I talked with my mother and the wedding is going to be in Cleveland at a Conservative Temple called Park Synagogue near Secreiance off of Euclid Hts Blvd. So I'm still getting married as planned on June 30th and I will be in Cleve the 21st of June. I arrive at the airport at 4:15 your time. If possible maybe you can pick us up. Check with my mom to see if she will. If she won't, you know she can't stand the freeways, I hope you will. Remember when you took me when I left. Anyways check the situation out. I don't want to take a limo, it costs money and I don't really feel like dragging around on the Rapid Transit. It's nice to have people meet you at the gate. My mom will have all the info for flight numbers and exact time if the time above I mentioned doesn't change until then.
By the way I received the pictures and I am returning them to you. Thanks for not forgetting. I almost forgot what you looked like. I don't look the same as the picture. My hair is back into the long shag I had before I got it cut in that short "shit" I had. Have you gone to my mothers yet? If not, please do so! She has a few pictures, they're not the greatest, but they're not bad either.
Larry just thought you were gorgeous, of course, because that's what you are!
Thanks again and thanks for the little note, it was cute!!
Oh! I'm having my wedding gown made, I designed it. It is gorgeous, or rather it will be, I hope I look as good in it as the gown looks.
Have to close for now.
With all my love, always,
This Fri I'm at work and just showed the pictures to my manager, Mike, he's 6'3" in his 30s, used to be an actor, very nice looking, & wealthy. He thought you were just gorgeous, something he's never seen. Asked when you were coming our here. So please make plans to come out sometime this summer. Jokingly he said you can move in with him, at least I think he was joking. Anyways you would stay with me. Come out and I promise you you won't go back to Cleve because you wouldn't want to ever leave.
Again with all my love,