
To: Joanie
From: Evelyn



Dear Joanie,

I received your letter Saturday, 8/11/73, I was so glad to hear from you. For a while there I thought you'd forgotten me.

I'm glad to hear that things are going well with Lowell, at least that sounds good.

As for me things aren't so great. You're right when you said "they really fool you.” Eli and I aren’t seeing one another anymore. You can imagine how I took that. I've been sick about it for the last 3 weeks. You can't possibly imagine what I've gone through. First of all marriage was talked about not only between Eli & I, but my Aunt & Uncle and all the other relatives had us practically married already, if you know what I mean. I was extremely happy and content with all the talk and believed it was going to happen, til one day Eli decided it won't work out, and I mean his decision came about one night. We were very compatible in every way. We had lots of fun together and most all enjoyed each moment we spent together. 

I wasn't given a reason why. Oh! Yes, I asked for one, because I couldn't understand what went wrong or if I did anything, for him to come up with such an idea. He just said he wouldn't tell me. So this is where I stand, up in the air not knowing why. None of my relatives can understand him either. I'm just sick about the whole thing.

My only salvation at this point is my job. I really love it. I work for the best tux shop in LA called Gary's Tux Shop Inc. I'm really thankful for that. Otherwise I'd go nuts. I don't have any friends as of yet and I don't know any guys, so I don't go out, except to visit my relatives when I really get bored, and they live in Hollywood.

I must end now, because I'm at work, but you'll be hearing from soon. If you want to find about more about Eli & me, call my sister Ivy, or Eileen, or my mother, they'll explain better. I'm just tired of talking and writing the story of what happened and besides I just get so sick every time I think of it.

With all my love,


P.S. I wish you were here now. I miss you very much. At least I always had you as my friend when I was down and we went out, but now I just sit, and it gives me much time to dwell in my sorrows.

Write soon.